
经济系鼓励学生将独立研究项目作为其专业计划的一部分. Each year, the most promising independent studies are considered for departmental honors.



安阮 ’24

"Are People Blaming Artificial Intelligence More or Less for Incorrect Advice"
文摘: This study investigates how the identity of the financial advisor, 人类与人工智能(AI), 影响投资决策. 参与者接触到投资场景,并从随机分配的人类或人工智能顾问那里获得建议. 总的来说, I do not observe statistically significant differences in the investment behaviors of participants between the AI and human advisor group; however, 人工智能中的男性类人特征导致参与者在顾问建议的方向上投资较少. 听从错误的建议, participants were more forgiving toward the AI advisor with female human-like features, showing a higher likelihood of continuing to follow their recommendations than other groups. 相反, 被告知人工智能系统如何使用数据及其应用的参与者更仔细地审查了他们的顾问. Despite the more forgiving attitude toward the female-presented AI advisor, 参与者看到了男性特征的人工智能和买球平台人工智能的信息视频,他们更积极地看待人工智能对社会的影响. Our findings are deepened by examining participant behavior across various subgroups, 一个是参与者对人工智能的熟悉程度. Participants familiar with AI exhibited more critical evaluations of their AI advisor, particularly following incorrect advice with additional informational context, suggesting higher expectations and greater disappointment. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, participants less familiar with AI technologies were not as critical, which may foster broader AI adoption but also risks an over-reliance on AI, 即使面对错误. 这种差异凸显了人们对人工智能认知的潜在偏见,这种偏见与不同的熟悉程度有关.
未来计划: I will be working as a business analyst for Capital One in Dallas, Texas.