

An inclusive and dynamic living and learning community is a central element of the Bowdoin experience. 住宿生活办公室, guided by the 值 of a learning community, 监督校园生活的各个方面.

The word “dorms” doesn’t begin to capture all that happens in the residence halls at Bowdoin. The vibrant living environment allows residents to explore their intellectual and extracurricular passions to the fullest and form incredible friendships. While the first-year "bricks" are robust microcosms of new student energy and excitement, the 大学的房子 unite the social and intellectual spheres of student life. Upperclass 学生 have a wide range of living choices. Student-designed programs and special events like Dinner with Six Strangers also serve to bring faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 和社区成员一起.


A learning community has a distinctive set of 值 and qualities which support individual growth and development. These 值 emerge from and reinforce the finest traditions and heritage of the College. By creating and maintaining rich relationships with the world beyond the College prepares 学生 for engagement in the local, 国家, and inter国家 communities and connects them with the larger Bowdoin family.